The "short list" companies confirmed their readiness to submit binding offers for Belene Nuclear Power Plant
As envisaged by the procedure for selecting a strategic investor for the implementation of Belene Nuclear Power Plant, the Ministry of Energy has sent letters to the companies selected in the short list to confirm the submission of binding tenders and further participation in the procedure. The "short list" companies are the Chinese National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), Atomenergoprom JSC, part of Rosatom, the Korean Hydro and Nuclear Power Corporation, Framatom S.A.S, France and General Electric, the USA.
Letters of confirmation of the submission of binding tenders are received by the five companies within the deadline set by 31 January. The Korean Hydro and Nuclear Power Corporation have raised some clarifying questions in order to take a final decision on their part.
The companies will be invited to sign a non-disclosure agreement and will be given the Information Memorandum and will be provided with access to the data room that contains information and is located in the "Nationalna Electricheska Kompania" EAD.The indicative deadline for submission of the binding tender is foreseen to be 31 May 2020.