Minister Malinov: Bulgargaz will claim EUR 400 million in damages to Gazprom Еxport

Minister Malinov: Bulgargaz will claim EUR 400 million in damages to Gazprom Еxport download this image

“After more than two years of serious delay, Bulgargaz EAD's new leadership has decided to claim EUR 400 million in damages to Gazprom Еxport. This briefed Energy Minister Vladimir Malinov and recalled that supplies from the Russian side to Bulgargaz stopped in April 2022. “If the claim is not satisfied voluntarily in a short time, Bulgargaz will bring an arbitration case before the International Court of Arbitration in Paris,” he added.

Minister Malinov also commented on the completed tender for liquefied natural gas at the Turkish terminals for June. “13 companies participated in the procedure, of which 10 submitted binding offers. After ranking according to the criteria previously announced by Bulgargaz, BOTAŞ was ranked first." In addition, for reserved capacity under the agreement signed between the companies at the end of 2022, BOTAŞ will grant a discount that will save about BGN 11.5 million from the costs of Bulgargaz in June, Malinov added. “Today, Bulgargaz will also launch two tenders, one to use the spare capacity under the agreement with Botas on a level playing field for all commercial participants. The second tender procedure is for the provision of a service by Bulgargaz to companies that would like to supply gas to the entire region,” the Energy Minister also said.

“Following a meeting held yesterday, the management of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant will submit a new application next week to the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission for the next regulatory period,” Malinov announced. He also added that the Government continues to work on mechanisms to compensate for the previously accumulated deficit in the Security of the Electricity System Fund.

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