Information Days under the Programme BG04 "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy"

The Ministry of Economy and Energy (MEE), acting as a Programmme Operator under the Programme "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy", has organized information days to clarify the conditions for application under the two open grant schemes and the Bilateral Relations Fund financially supported by the Programme.

The information campaign will cover the cities of Plovdiv, Montana, Burgas, Varna, Veliko Turnovo and Sofia.

The information day in Plovdiv will be held on 7th November 2014 at Imperial Hotel, Plovdiv.  Clarification meeting will be held on 10th November 2014 in Montana at Ogosta Hotel, Montana. The information days in Burgas, Varna, Veliko Turnovo and Sofia are subject to be launched and the dates and venues will be further announced.

The grant scheme "Promotion on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy measures for Heating in municipal and government buildings and Local District Heating”  as well as  the Bilateral Relations Fund  will be explained every information day within the timeframe of 10:00 ÷ 13:00h. EUR 7,647,059 is allocated for projects to be implemented in such a field. Buildings of a social importance such as schools, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. are considered as high priority. Government administrations and municipalities may submit project proposals. The Grant amount will be from EUR 170,000 to EUR 500,000, as the projects related to public buildings – state and municipal owned buildings – the size of the grand will be 100%.  The deadline for submission of Project Proposals is 7th January 2015, 16:30 hours.

The conditions to make fund available  under the Grand Scheme "Production of fuels from biomass", including re-explanation  on the operation of   the Bilateral Relations Fund  since the Fund is applied to all grand schemes at the time of their opening, will be promoted within the timeframe of 14:30 ÷ 17:30h. The Grand Scheme "Production of fuels from biomass" is envisaged for projects aiming to produce pellets, wood chips, briquettes, biogas from farms and etc. The grand allocation will be up to 60% of the project cost amounting from EUR 30,000 to  EUR 200,000. This scheme is subject to the state aid rules and the de minimis rules will be applied. The deadline for submission of Project Proposals is 7th January 2015, 16:30 hours.


The Programme "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy" shall be effective by April 2017, as the activities shall be completed by the end of April 2016.  The total budget is approximately EUR 16 million, of which EUR 13.3 million is the grand funds, and the rest are provided through national funding. Two more grand schemes are subject to be opened.  The initiative is supported by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding between Bulgaria and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. MEE’s partner on behalf of the Donor is the Department of Energy and Water Resources to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy in Norway.

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